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My Virtual Life

I post.  But I am still in many ways a blogging/twittering/social media moron.

I am technically aware enough to be dangerous. I have taught technical writing at the college level, have documented software for the Navy, and have blogs at debbiemerion.com and essaycoaching.com.

Still, I was inspired yesterday to be a little less blogorific moronic when I listened to President Obama give a speech at UM commencement. He said he reads 10 letters every night. He also recommended reading blogs of opposing views.  I thought –if he can do that, I can read a new blog every day, and write about the blog and or my technical difficulties in doing so.

My goals is to bring my two lives together:  my real life (give me a non-fat latte please) and my virtual life (what’s happening with my friends and the world?—I have to often read it online to find out).

I’m starting with friend’s blogs. Send me yours, I want to read it and follow it!

Dining at Random

Dining at Random

Today I decided to start with my friend Elizabeth Sikkenga.  She is my also my friend on Facebook, so I went and got her latest blog information from there.  It is called Dining at Random.  She had told me about this adventure when we were, coincidentally, dining—if you can call having lunch at Café Verde that.

I love her idea of picking a different country to cook a recipe from each week or month.  I want to hear more about this.

I clicked on “subscribe to this blog’s feed” next to her blog and then I was asked which application to use to subscribe to the feed.  I clicked “Google”.  (My daughter Sarah Merion had helped me set up Google Reader as an RSS feed six months ago or so.  A few magic keystrokes of her nimble fingers and she was done.  I had approximately a 10% comprehension rate of what she had done—but it was done!)  Then I saw a screen that asked me “Add to Google Reader or Google Homepage” and I clicked Google Reader.

WOW! Now when I look at Google Reader, I not only see Elizabeth’s “What’s on the Menu?” entry of April 20, but I also see earlier entries, with recipes, starting Jan. 2.  But if I just look at Dining at Random, I don’t see any of those earlier entries.  Maybe Elizabeth or her brilliant computery husband  Henry Velick (who is also an awesome tenor) can enlighten me about why this is.

Do you have a blog that you think I should read?  Tell me about it!

No Responses to “My Virtual Life”

  1. debmerion says:

    On deck for next posts:
    Nita Sweeney
    Bum Glue – http://bumglue.blogspot.com
    about an hour ago ·

    Greg Peters
    The Reluctant Networker: http://thereluctantnetworker.com/
    21 minutes ago ·

  2. I stumbled on your blog … now you can read mine too. Hope you enjoy!

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