If you are interested in more information, check out my new class, Publish Your Own Ebook.
As easy as we hear it is to publish an eBook, you still have to know how. Here’s how in three steps.
- This blog post: Setting up Your Amazon Account
- Next blog post: Telling Amazon the name of your Book and the name of the publisher (you)
- Final blog posts: How to convert your content to be readable on the kindle.
Tools needed for the process described in this blog post:
A computer with internet connection. For the minute, we are going to assume that you have a document that is correctly formatted for the Kindle. That assumption may be incorrect, but don’t worry. We will cover how to correctly format your eBook in a future blog post.
Time needed:
Less than one hour.
1. Go to kdp.amazon.com. You’ll see: Welcome to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. If you already have an Amazon account, you can sign in. However, even if you have one as a reader, you might want to set up a separate account for the books you will publish, using a different email address.
2. To set up a new account on amazon, sign out, and then you will see: Sign up. Click on that.
3. On the next screen, enter the email address you will use for your publishing account, and click “I am a new customer”. A new screen appears.
4. Enter your name and password and click Create Account.
Here are the screens you will need to complete to finish creating your account. We will go through each item below.
To be continued…