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Jordyn Haiku

Jordyn Haiku


My granddaughter sleeps

I look at her placid face

Yes, born yesterday











Pink and blue knit cap

Above a peachy soft face

Lips red as roses













Mommy sleeps: not me

I hold the baby wondering

Who will Jordyn be?


Her face scrunches up

Then it relaxes again.

What is she thinking?


Her body so small

She will grow bigger each day

Now she has come out.





Eyes closed, on her side

Jordyn lays soft on my chest,

Squirming. Delightful!












Please keep her awake!

We want her to sleep at night.

Soft tickles to wake.














Her fingers- chilly

Her belly – warm, soft yet firm

Eyebrows up! A yawn!


Her head in my palm

Fits perfectly: 6 days old.

I wish she could talk.













Snuffy, fast breathing

Eyes closed, she squeaks, 6 AM

Warm lap baby sleeps


I thank God today

Science and love got us here

And Delta helped too


Ten fingers, ten toes

Two toes webbed on each small foot

Champion swimmer?












Babies can teach us

How to get what we need, want

Focus, don’t stop. Milk!


Born 2/12/19

Seven pounds, nineteen inches

Blue eyes and brown hair














Lake Forest, Cali

Forever your “place of birth”

Cool way: “The O. C.”











Adam is your dad

Alison is your mommy,

“Please mom, call me Al!”

Al, Adam and J












Debbie is my name

I like “Deb”. To you: Bubbie

Call grandpop Zayde.


Teddy is your dog.

He’s a Wheaton Terrier.

His job: protect you.














Teddy sniffs your toes

Sometimes he licks them a bit

You are his first babe.


“Sit, Teddy,” we say

When he gets too close to you

You’ll play with him soon.


You don’t need a phone.

You don’t need to text, call, surf.

Love is all you need.


I don’t need a phone.

I don’t need to text, call, surf.

You are all I need.


Ok, I admit

I thumb haiku in my phone

While you lay on me.

Manicured IMG_3138





One Response to “Jordyn Haiku”

  1. Absolutely beautiful!!

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